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English as an Additional Language (EAL)

'And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.' Genesis 11:1

At The King's School we celebrate the many languages spoken here - we are proud of our diversity.

As children with English as an additional language join our school, we assess their English fluency and provide extra support for those that need it both with learning a new language and settling in to a new school and new environment. We use images and dual language resources to support language acquisition with help from families ensuring the whole family feel welcome and included in our school community.

We recognise and celebrate the language and skills children bring to school through their varied backgrounds, culture and language, ensuring all children are encouraged, valued and accepted equally. It is our aim to provide every child with the best education possible through a broad and balanced curriculum that is relevant and inclusive.

Objective 4 of our Equalities Policy and statement:

To embrace pupils and families for whom English is an additional language to support their engagement with the school 


To achieve this

Progress against objective

To acknowledge and celebrate the many languages & cultures that make our school, ensuring inclusivity for all pupils & families



Engage in AFC training ‘Developing a multilingual school approach’

Review website /polices etc.

Staff trained in using codes of fluency to support lesson planning/ assessment & evaluation and codes of fluency assessed for all pupils

Engage with families re home language/ sharing books

Share prayers in different languages to be included in collective Worship

Welcome display in many languages

Develop EAL/Multilingual section in school  library

Audit of staff languages

Parents new to King’s coffee mornings

AFC Training started


Audit of School’s Multilingual Ethos 


Pupils ‘welcome to our school’ board in process


Multilingual prayer display



New induction procedures for parents and pupils