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The School Day

This page explains how the school day operates at King's.  It includes:
Drop off arrangements
A typical school day - from Reception to Year 2
A typical school day - Years 3-6
Break-time activities
Collective Worship (Assembly)
The end of the day
Which gates to use
Compulsory school hours

Our after-school clubs and wraparound care have their own dedicated pages

Drop off 8:40 – 8:50

Teachers /Teaching assistants are at each entrance to greet children and take any messages from parents. Other staff remain in the classroom to greet children and start morning learning activities.

Parents must be outside the secure area of the site by 9.00 so we can close gates A-D to keep the children safe.

Registration takes place in the classroom from 8:50, the official start of the school day.
Children arriving after 8:50 must go to the school office to register. Pupils arriving after this time will be recorded as late.

A school day at King’s:

EYFS and KS1 - Reception, YEAR 1, 2

  • Registration: 8:50
  • Collective Worship: 9.00-9.20 (Tuesday and Wednesday); 10:15 – 10:30 (Monday, Thursday and Friday)
  • Learning time: 9.20-10.15 (Tuesday and Wednesday); 8:50 – 10:15 (Monday, Thursday and Friday)
  • Break: 10:30 – 10:45
  • Learning time: 10:45 – 12:00
  • Lunch break: 12:00 – 13:00
  • Learning time 13:00 – 15.20

KS2 - YEAR 3,4,5,6,

  • Registration: 8:50
  • Collective Worship: 9.00-9.20 
  • Learning time: 9.20-10.45
  • Break: 10:45 – 11:00
  • Learning time: 11:00 – 12:25
  • Lunch break: 12:25 – 13:25
  • Learning time 13:25 – 15:25 (Year 3 15:20)   

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Break times/Lunchtime:

We have a large outdoor space and encourage active playtimes. Children play outside in either:

  • Zone 1 - Phase 1 pupils only
  • Zone 2 - Phase 1 & 2 pupils
  • Zone 3 – Phase 2 pupils only

There is a range of equipment in the playgrounds:

  • Table tennis tables
  • Climbing frames
  • Play houses
  • Fitzone  - 14 station fitness trail
  • Playzone  - a fun natural play area
  • Reflection zone – a quieter space with Tee Pees and our prayer garden
  • 3g Pitch - lunchtime football development sessions.

And balls, beanbags, hoops and skipping ropes.

  • On wet days, pupils play indoor games in their classrooms.
  • All playtimes are supervised by a team of staff, with qualified first aiders in each area.
  • Risk assessments for each area ensure safe guidelines for play and using equipment.

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Collective Worship:

Collective worship is an important part of every day and is led by different staff:

  • Monday: Singing practice
  • Tuesday: Vicars from St Anne’s or St Luke’s
  • Wednesday: Headteacher
  • Thursday: Teachers
  • Friday: Celebration of learning - The King’s Shield for a child in each class is presented

All collective worship has opportunities for prayer and reflection, including those children who are not of Christian faith.

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All lunches, packed and school lunch, are eaten in the hall. Children come to the lunch hall in their year groups and eat together.  To learn more about our school lunches click here.

Before lunch prayers are shared in the classroom: this is either our school prayers or children’s own prayers.

Lunchtime prayers
Phase 1 Phase 2

The Lord is good to me
And so I thank the Lord
for giving me the things I need
the sun, the rain and the apple seed
The Lord is good to me.

For every seed that grows
will grow into a tree
And one day soon there’ll be apples there,
for everyone in the world to share
The Lord is good to me.

Sung in groups with an echo:

Thank you Father
Thank you Father

For our food
For our food

Bless it for us
Bless it for us


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End of the School Day:

At the end of the day children share one of the school prayers, or children’s own prayers.

End of day prayers
Phase 1 Phase 2
We thank you father for today
And all the work we’ve done
For help we have been given
For our learning and our fun.

Bless, O Lord, our school.
Unite our hearts in love and peace.
Help us to listen, learn and understand,
that we may grow in your strength and love, through Jesus Christ our Lord


At the end of the day, teachers bring children to the pick-up points and are available for approximately 10 minutes for conversations with parents. If you need to speak to teachers for longer, then please do book an appointment with the class teacher via the office

Parents must be outside the secure area of the site by 3.30pm, so we can close gates A-D for the safety of children attending after-school clubs and wraparound care.

Pupils in year 5 & 6 may walk home independently, with prior permission in writing from parents/carers.

If you are delayed and likely to be late collecting your child please telephone the school.  It can be quite upsetting for children if no-one comes to pick them up.  Children not collected will be taken to the school office to await collection.

No child is allowed to go home with another parent/carer unless a written notification/ message to the school office has been received, even if a parent picking up says it has been agreed. If we are unsure about arrangements we will call to check.

Extra-curricular clubs:

If children are attending clubs, they will go directly to their club at the end of the school day and will be ready for pick-up at the agreed dismissal point for the club.

Pleiades after school provision:

If children are attending Pleiades after school care, they will be either dropped off by class teachers or collected by Pleiades staff.

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Which gates to use:

Reception: Enter through Gate A (to the left of the shed), drop-off and pick-up at classroom doors

Year 1: Enter through Gate A (to the left of the shed), drop-off and pick-up at classroom doors

Reception and Year 1 bikes and scooters are parked inside these gates.

Year 2: Enter through Gate C (by the school office), drop-off and pick-up at classroom doors

Year 3: Drop-off 8.40-8.50 at Gate D (by the staff car park), pick-up 3.20 in the playground by the scooter park

Year 4: Drop-off 8.40-8.50 at Gate D (by the staff car park), pick-up 3.25 at Nadia's Place (stage area by the adventure playground)

Year 5: Drop-off 8.40-8.50 at Gate D (by the staff car park), pick-up 3.25 at Gate D

Year 6: Drop-off 8.40-8.50 at Gate D (by the staff car park), pick-up 3.25 at Gate D

Year 2-6 bikes and scooters are parked in the sheds and mushrooms inside Gate C

Compulsory School Hours:

Years R, 1, 2 and 3: 8.50 to 3.20, 6h 30min per day, 32h 30 min per week

Years 4-6: 8.50 to 3.25, 6h 35min per day, 32h 55min per week.