Week Commencing 23rd March
OL: Recognise the factors that affect the size of a shadow
I can explain how shadows are formed
I can write a conclusion of ideas
After completing your light science experiment in class last week, can you write a conclusion about what you found out?
- Did the angle of the light source effect the size of the shadow?
- Did the distance between light source and object effect the size of the shadow?
Complete a conclusive paragraph summarising what you learnt and why you think that is. This learning will be continued next week, so keep your conclusion based simply on your findings and previous knowledge, rather than research.
Ext: Can you link it with real life examples like the sun?
If you were not in school for the experiment, could you complete a mini trial at home using a torch to investigate the questions above? Using a torch and small object (glue stick, toy car etc), can you move the light source to effect the size of the shadow. Use this to inform your conclusive paragraph.