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Science 20 April 2020

Hello Everyone. Welcome to the Science Page.

Today, we begin a brand new topic: Materials and their Properties.

OL.  To explain why different materials are used to make particular products

In Lesson 1, we will learn a little bit more about where some materials come from, and also why they are used to make different products.

To get us started, follow the link to BBC Bitesize by clicking on the picture. Watch the video, complete the activity and read the descriptions of each material.

Now that you've explored the BBC website, it's time to do an activity in your Home Learning Book. First, have a look at the PDF attached below.

Page 2 lists a selection of materials on the left and a lists different properties on the right. These lists should help you with the activities in your book. 

Pages 3, 4 and 5 contain pictures of different products. You will need to choose 3 of these pictures to print out, cut out and stick into your book.

Page 6 is an example of what you are going to be doing in your book. Your job is to take each picture in turn, cut it out carefully, stick it into your book and do some detailed labelling of why these materials have been used to make the product. Aim for at least 3 labels for each product you choose. (You can also label something that you know is inside the product, even if you can't see it in the picture, e.g. wood inside the cricket ball.)
If you don't have a printer, carefully draw out the picture into your book but no need to spend ages!

(When you choose a picture, it's really useful if you have a version of this product at your home. That way, you can have a good close-up look at it and feel of it. Be sure to discuss your ideas with your parents, too, as they will be able to check that your thinking is correct and may also suggest some ideas of their own. You may also like to do some research on your computer.)

Remember to present your work neatly and carefully, with your best handwriting, and to set up your page as you would do in school. 

Happy thinking!