Science 20th April 2020
OL - Living, Dead or Never Been Alive
- Use 'because' to explain your thinking
- Observational drawing
Everything can be sorted into 3 categories: living, dead or never been alive. Have a look at this video which explains how you can tell the difference:
Now it’s time to test yourself to see how much you remember!
Go on a treasure hunt around your house (or garden if you have one) and see if you can find something that is:
1. Alive
2. Dead
3. Has never been alive
Draw a picture of each one in your home learning journal and next to the picture give me at least one reason why you think it fits that category.
Optional extension:
Think or talk about these challenge questions (You can also answer them in your home learning journals if you'd like).
- A robot can move, so why is it not alive?
- Trees cannot walk around so why are they alive?
- Why are we still living when we go to sleep?